With luck, there’ll be no more dreams

With luck, there'll be no more dreams

Installation view, 2021; @Eugster II Belgrade; Photo credits: Ivan Zupanc

With luck, there'll be no more dreams

Installation view, 2021; @Eugster II Belgrade; Photo credits: Ivan Zupanc

With luck, there'll be no more dreams I

2021, Oil on canvas, 270 x 180 cm; Photo credits: Ivan Zupanc; @Eugster II Belgrade

With luck, there'll be no more dreams V

2021, Oil on canvas, 300 x 180 cm; Photo credits: Ivan Zupanc; @Eugster II Belgrade

With luck, there'll be no more dreams IV

2021, Oil on canvas, 290 x 180 cm; Photo credits: Ivan Zupanc; @Eugster II Belgrade

With luck, there'll be no more dreams

Installation view, 2021; @Eugster II Belgrade; Photo credits: Ivan Zupanc

With luck, there'll be no more dreams III

2021, Oil on canvas, 270 x 180 cm; Photo credits: Ivan Zupanc; @Eugster II Belgrade

With luck, there'll be no more dreams

Installation view, 2021; @Eugster II Belgrade; Photo credits: Ivan Zupanc

With luck, there'll be no more dreams II

2021, Oil on canvas, 270 x 180 cm; Photo credits: Ivan Zupanc; @Eugster II Belgrade

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